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  • So You Want to Be a Wet Shaver?
    June 16, 2014 Mike Sandoval

    So You Want to Be a Wet Shaver?

    The most common question we get from Shaving 101 readers has always been, “Where do I start?”  Having published many reviews of various brushes, razors, blades, and accessories, we easily see how someone taking his first steps in traditional shaving can quickly get overwhelmed with the choice of products on the market today.  On the other hand, with the recent resurgence of interest in traditional shaving, many high-quality and economically priced products have appeared.  There are more traditional shaving products available today than since the use of the double edge razor tapered off in the 1970s.  Rather than focusing on one particular piece of the equation, this article presents an overview of what goes into your first shaving setup and what you need to take into consideration for your own needs.

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  • Wet Shaving While Traveling
    February 21, 2011 Mike Sandoval

    Wet Shaving While Traveling

    Just because you are away from the comforts of home does not mean that you have to go without an enjoyable shave. Despite the minor inconveniences of airport security or lack of space in your suitcase, there are many popular traditional shaving products that are either designed for travel or have sturdy and compact packaging that make them smart choices. This article offers some tips and suggestions on traveling with your favorite wet shaving gear.

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  • The Benefits of Traditional Wet Shaving
    October 14, 2010 Mike Sandoval

    The Benefits of Traditional Wet Shaving

    In April 2010, Money Magazine published a short article on the frugality of traditional wet shaving. This feature, while helpful in bringing the national spotlight to the benefits of wet shaving, failed to mention many facts. It's important to look at the monetary costs as well as other costs that cannot be quantified. Despite the celebrity endorsements and high-dollar marketing campaigns, men are turning away from disposable razors and returning to old-school products. This article explains the costs and benefits, and explores mass-market shaving vs. traditional wet shaving from a financial and personal perspective.

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