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  • Edwin Jagger Sandalwood Shaving Cream
    December 18, 2010 Mike Sandoval

    Edwin Jagger Sandalwood Shaving Cream

    Since its establishment in 1988, Edwin Jagger has been well known among wet shavers for producing some of the highest quality shaving brushes and razors available.  Recently the brand expanded its product offerings to include shaving creams, soaps, and moisturizers. The new line boasts uncompromised quality while using only the purest ingredients.  This article takes a closer look at the Edwin Jagger Sandalwood Shaving Cream, one of the company's newest shaving products.

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  • Tutorial: Creating Lather with the Load/Hydrate Technique
    September 6, 2010 Mike Sandoval

    Tutorial: Creating Lather with the Load/Hydrate Technique

    Sometimes it is difficult to get a good, usable lather from a shaving soap or shaving cream, depending on the hardness of the water, floppiness of the brush, and properties of the product. Shaving 101 has published two articles that break down the building process step by step for two beloved, but challenging, products. Both Tabula Rasa and Mitchell's Wool Fat Shaving Soap are fantastic products that everyone should try at least once -- if not regularly. This article reiterates the "Load/Hydrate Technique" and offers instructions on building the perfect cushioning lather.

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  • Pick Your Poison: Soap or Cream?
    August 15, 2009 Mike Sandoval

    Pick Your Poison: Soap or Cream?

    The sink counters of men who enjoy traditional wet shaving are usually cluttered with bowls and tubs of various shaving soaps and shaving creams. These products come in a variety of textures and fragrances, and it may be difficult to know which product to choose. This article helps explain the differences (besides the obvious) of soaps and creams so that you can have the most efficient and enjoyable morning shave.

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