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Cyril R. Salter Indian Sandalwood

Cyril R. Salter Indian Sandalwood

Cyril R. Salter SandalwoodThe Indian Sandalwood shaving cream itself is very soft in texture and lathers easily with any size of brush that I applied to it. It has a nice woodsy fragrance that is subtle and not too overpowering. Although the cream is a variation of the scent of genuine sandalwood essential oil, it has a very pleasant and pleasing aroma.

Whether you lather directly on your face or in a bowl or scuttle, this cream this cream easily whips in to a rich and usable lather without having a tendency to get too thin or require an excessive amount of water to maintain its hydration. The lather held a nice consistency throughout the shave and showed no issues of drying down between passes. I found this to be especially good for straight razor shaves, which take a bit longer due to the slower cutting technique. The result was a smooth shave that carried the blade easily over my skin and left my face feeling well protected and hydrated at the end of the shave.

While not as exquisite in fragrance as some other shaving creams, Cyril R. Salter Indian Sandalwood shaving cream performs amazingly well given that it retails for a fraction of the price. It is packaged in large 165 gram (5.8 ounce) blue tubs that are well designed to keep cream stored between uses without concern of drying out. This makes their shaving cream very affordable since it will easily provide many close and comfortable shaves. The Shaving Shack in the U.K. offers a full range of Cyril R. Salter products, and at the retail price of £7.99, this one offers a great bargain for those looking for a quality shaving cream at a good price without sacrificing fragrance and performance.

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