Rooney Heritage Stubby 2XL
R.A. Rooney & Sons is one of the world's oldest manufacturers, and the new Heritage Stubby line features handle styles pulled from archives of the company's “early days.” Each of the quality shaving brushes is handmade in the UK with the finest materials available to the brush maker. The handles are lathe-turned imitation bone material and the lofts comprise a special grade of Rooney's silvertip badger hair.
The new Heritage series of brushes have the same style of handle from the Stubby line, but the badger hair is different. This handle is a small stout design that really has a no-nonsense way of working. This brush is a work horse. The badger hair is defined as a two-band silvertip badger, but it is along the lines of what many other brands classify as super. Most interestingly, each brush in the new series has a fan-shaped loft. A few other brush makers have been producing a two-banded super brushes, but with a bulbous shape. It is refreshing to have a two-band fan-shape on the market.
The performance of this brush is definitely second to none. The Rooney Heritage Stubby 2XL is not the most densely packed brush in my collection, but it is much more so than most brushes. The brush has a strong backbone, but is extremely soft at the tips. I easily created good amounts of lather, even before the brush was broken in. In addition, there was not a great deal of lather hogging by this brush, as it did release what was built within. Lathering with the 2XL is like receiving a massage; this brush just felt like no other brush I have owned.
The 2XL is a big brush, but very manageable. It is just about right for all the needs of the shaver. I have used both shaving creams and soaps, and the 2XL has performed very well with both. The Rooney Heritage Stubby 2XL is available from Vintage Blades for $189.99. After shaving with the 2XL, I have really been contemplating purchasing the 3XL. This new series of Heritage Stubbys has made me excited about new shaving brushes once again.
Total Height: 92 mm
Handle Height: 45 mm
Loft Height: 47 mm
Knot Diameter: 28 mm
Rooney Style 1 Size 1 Finest Badger
Types of Shaving Brushes
Understanding Hair Grades of Badger Brushes
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