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Simpsons Commodore X3 Best Badger Shaving Brush

Simpsons Commodore X3 Best Badger Shaving Brush

I purchased my brush through Lee Cantor at There is no doubt that this new model is much better than the previous model offered by the original Simpsons company. This brush is dense. Let me say this again, this brush is dense and has a solid backbone. The bristles are longer than in the original Simpsons model. The handle has much the same look but the feel is different due to the fact that the brush is denser adding a little heft to the brush overall weight, just enough to feel the difference. I like the new feel of the brush. There are some very minor cosmetic differences in the gold seal, specifically in the type of font. I appreciate this as I really enjoyed the original look of the handle for this brush. Vulfix has done an outstanding job with the new brushes.

Here is the brush, Vulfix/Simpson Commodore X3. Even though these are good photos, in person you can clearly see a 3 band distinction in this brush in Best. This brush is not scratchy, but it does have backbone and density.

As I previously mentioned, note the density of the brush:


I prefer to use shaving soaps due to the fact that I shave with a straight razor. This is just my preference, of course. Therefore, for the lathering demonstration I will use a shaving soap. This is where I believe this brush excels. I will also demonstrate its lathering qualities and abilities with a traditional potted cream as well.

I chose Trumper's Rose for this demonstration. As you can see I am soaking the brush in hot water. In addition, I have poured some of the hot water on top of the soap to ensure the soap will be softer and will load the brush more efficiently. Here is the brush after a few of swirls.

Here you can see the lather the brush created in about 30 seconds. This brush is amazing. There is enough lather for a several shaves!!!

After a few more swirls this is the end result. Nothing but the most amazing lather created by this brush.

Next is the demonstration of this brush lathering a traditional potted shaving cream. For this demonstration I chose Truefitt & Hill West Indies Limes.

After placing a almond size portion of the cream in the bowl, I began to swirl. After a few swirls you can see that the lather is nice and developing a creamy consistency

A few swirls later. Note the excellent lather this brush makes from a shaving cream.This about 30 seconds into lathering.

The lather produced is thick and creamy.

And here is the brush after a good workout with both soap and cream.


There is no doubt in my mind that this brush is nothing short of fantastic. Vulfix has produced an excellent brush of great value and performance. If you like soaps or if you like shaving creams rest assured this brush will not dissapoint you. My congratulations to Vulfix. My next brush maybe a Duke 2 or maybe a Duke 3...


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