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Manner Shower Deal

by Manner
Save 70%
Original price $66.96 USD
Current price $19.99 USD
Friday Special
4 Piece Soft Good Set For $19.99!
(a $66.96 value)
This set comes with everything you need to stay well maintained. You will get Manner Body Wash, Manner Shampoo, Manner Conditioner and a bonus bottle of El Vato Beard Oil all for the low price of $19.99.  That is over 24 ounces of premium grooming gear for under $20.00. 
If you have never tried any of the Manner product line now is your chance to do so at a fraction of the cost.  These are great products with an amazing scent profile.  We have secured a hundred of these sets to sell at this low price because the team at Manner would like to get their goods into as many of our customers hands as possible. Give it a try today!
Shipping has to be priority mail due to the weight of this set so we cant offer free shipping or we would go broke... However we could say we are selling it for 29.99 and free shipping or just give you an awesome low price and then charge you the actual costs of priority mail, insured shipping and handling...
You Get:
1 - 8 oz Bottle Manner Body Wash
1 - 8 oz Bottle Manner Shampoo
1 - 8 oz Bottle Manner Conditioner
1 - 1oz Bottle El Vato Beard Oil