Classic Brand Shaving Brush Cleaner
26Shaving Brush Cleaner
Our Classic Brand Shaving Brush Cleaner is a unique blend of natural cleaners and sanitizers that easily removes soap film, hard water deposits, that distinctive "new brush" odor and even most stains from the bristles of your shaving brush without harming the brush in any way. Completely safe for use on all types of shaving brushes.
There are no caustic chemicals or bleach -- just thorough, gentle cleaning and sanitizing. This cleaner is also very effective for cleaning any safety razor and preventing mineral deposits from "seizing" the moving parts of adjustable razors.
If you haven't cleaned your brush recently (or ever), you'll be amazed at how much better it performs after using this product. Cleaning your shaving brush monthly will maintain its water-holding capacity and lead to a wetter, richer lather. You'll also use less of your expensive soap or cream!
This listing is for 1 tin (around 1oz) of Brush Cleaner
Made in the USA.